Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

I heard mommy say that for Valentine's Day she wanted to get another dog, but I don't know if I like the sound of that. I enjoy spending time with my equals, but I like doing that at the park. Honestly, It I don't think I'll like living with some other four-legged dog who could be as cute as me. God forbids this other dog turns out to be cuter than me! Fortunately, my Master is not to keen in getting a second dog and he told me that we had to come up with a plan to get mommy a second pet, but one that is not of the living. I gave my Master the perfect solution. Come Valentine's Day we are prepared to surprise mommy with a cat and a dog. Just look at my picture, those two are perfect for Valentine's Day. They are cute, but not cutter than me. Happy Valentine's Day to you all.


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