Friday, February 24, 2012

America's Next Top Dog Model

My Master just bought this fancy camera. He says he loves taking pictures and he misses his old professional camera that he gave away. This one is digital and bigger than my face. When master uses the flash I go blind, but good thing he doesn't use it too often. I look my best in daylight.

Mommy says the camera and Master take very nice pictures, but I'm not too sure. I don't get so see the pictures Master takes, so I can't say for sure if my master's skills are good or not.

I might be the best looking dog Master has ever seen. He takes pictures of me with his new camera all the time. It is kind of annoying now.

At first I felt like a top dog model, but after 20 minutes of being followed around the house with that device, and having Master giving me commands to pose, I grew tire of it.

Sure, I look very handsome in those pictures, but can master give me a break?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

I heard mommy say that for Valentine's Day she wanted to get another dog, but I don't know if I like the sound of that. I enjoy spending time with my equals, but I like doing that at the park. Honestly, It I don't think I'll like living with some other four-legged dog who could be as cute as me. God forbids this other dog turns out to be cuter than me! Fortunately, my Master is not to keen in getting a second dog and he told me that we had to come up with a plan to get mommy a second pet, but one that is not of the living. I gave my Master the perfect solution. Come Valentine's Day we are prepared to surprise mommy with a cat and a dog. Just look at my picture, those two are perfect for Valentine's Day. They are cute, but not cutter than me. Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
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