Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Working From Home

I'm working too.
My days sometimes are lonely. Since mommy and master work from 9 to 5, I spend most of the day roaming around the house. I jump from the couch to mommy's bed, to the window seat and to the guest bedroom. I'm a good dog. Since I'm potty trained my humans don't have to worry about me making a mess. I don't chew on their shoes or underwear, that's what toys are for. The most trouble I can get into is by going under the bed blankets and unmaking the bed for mommy. She doesn't like that.

My humans come to see me every day during lunch time and I get so happy when I see them. Not only do I get to go outside and play with my neighborhood dog friends, but seeing my loved humans helps my day not be so lonely and boring.

Mommy gets to work from home a few days of the week and I love this. I can play with her when she is not too busy. I can ask her for treats and when I stare at her for a few minutes she takes me outside. I do this often, hahaha, but I don't always need to go. Sometimes the weather is nice and I just want to see if there is anyone out there. Some other times I just do it because I'm bored and I want mommy to stop working.

Don't get me wrong, I let her work a lot. I know she is busy and I know she loves her job. When I know she can't take me outside I lay next to her hoping that in between her typing and thinking she will lay her hand on my back and pet me. Working from home and next to mommy is the great. I just wish she could work from home every day or not work at all.
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